[Story/ Experience] Austria, Europe || First time walking in the snow with snowing equipment/Sharing all the details about the trip/ Another hidden place in Upper Austria (Dachstein Krippenstein)


[Story/ Experience] Austria, Europe 

First time walking in the snow with snowing equipment/
Sharing all the details about the trip/  
Another hidden place in Upper Austria (Dachstein Krippenstein)

In 2020, I am lucky that I got a chance to visit Austria as an exchange student. During this semester which is about 6 months. There are so many new things for me to experience and explore. One of them is the snow. 

Quickly introducing myself. I am Tiger Chiang and I am from Taiwan. In Taiwan, if you want to experience snowing or even only seeing snow left on the ground. You will have to enter the high mountain at the right time. And it is not always that fortunate. Before visiting Austria, I have never ever seen snow in my entire life. 

In Austria, snowing is probably a very common thing. From November to April, you will have the opportunity to experience snowing weather in any corner of Austria. That is the big difference compared to where I am from, Taiwan. By science, we all know that higher altitudes will have lower temperatures. Which means a higher chance to see snow. Dachstein Krippensrein is a place deep in the mountain. And the well-known attraction there is the overview point at the top of the mountain called "5fingers". Can not wait to experience snow and the stunning view. 

During weekends when I and my friends are off from school. We plan a trip to a place called "Dachstein Krippenstein". I guess this place is so far not a very tourist place. At least for Taiwanese, it is not. After doing some research about it. We are definitely falling in love with the scenery they have over there. To be honest, after visiting this place. OMG, it is totally worth visiting. Like there are not many visitors, and the view is amazing. 

In March, you can approach the top of the mountain by cable car. It is safe and fast. And here comes the "walking in the snow part". After exit the cable car station, you will have to walk through the snow around 45 minutes to the overview point, in which the scenery is stunning. 

The overview point is called "5fingers". At here, you can have a 270-degree view. Including the city Obertraun, village Hallstatt and Hallstatt see. For me, it is an unforgettable memory. As I said you can view village Hallstatt from this point which means that it is close to the place. If you want to visit Dachstein Krippenstein and Hallstatt in a day. It is possible. And I have done that. 

In this article, I will be focusing on the experience of hiking in the snow with all those cool equipment. Let get started. 

This photo is taken at the top of the mountain. It is all covered by snow. 

Own Experience

Once we arrived at the Dachstein Krippenstein. The first thing first is to purchase the cable car ticket. After all that the staff asks us to pick up the hiking equipment at the counter. I was just so excited. Never ever see those cool equipment in real life. There are two things. A board and the crutch. The board that fits on your shoes is to make you walk easily in the snow. Because of more surface area which will avoid you being sink in the snow. 

And it also comes with a pair of crutch. With a crutch, you will have a better balance. If you gonna fall or feels unstable. Besides your both arm and legs. It allows you to have another tool that supports you to from being hurt. Make sure you get everything. Then it is time to go up!!

These are the equipment I mention above. 

What a view on the cable car!! Welcome to the icy world

Once we arrive at the top of the mountain. Welcome to the snowy world. Remind you to bring sunglasses. It will protect you from the sunlight that reflects from the snow. After we exit the cable car station, there's a board with all the information you need. Including showing the direction of the attractions and the time you need to get there. Our goal is to reach "5fingers". Let's go!!

By the information showing on the board. It will take approximately 30 minutes to approach. And because the 5fingers overview point is at the cliff. The path is going down and down. On the way, few parts are quite steep. Have to pay more attention to it. If you feel like you're falling or can not stop from walking too fast and out of control. For me, the best solution is to sit down where you at. And try to lower your body weight. Otherwise, you might roll like a snowball and put yourself in more danger. 

Let's start the hike!!

At first, walking with the snowboard thing is quite difficult. Because it weighs more than I expected. However, with some practice. I am walking like a pro now. Although the snowboard thing can prevent your shoes from getting wet by the snow, it is still going to be wet for a longer period of time. For me, at the end of the trip. I can feel that my socks are both wet. Highly recommend wearing waterproof shoes with you if you have one. If not, it is fine. You can bring a new pair of socks in your bag to replace them when you need them. 

A couple of minutes have passed, I feel that one of my snowboard things is getting off my shoes pretty easily. Feels like it is not working and is broken somehow. But now I am in the middle of the trail, so no one can help me and I don't think it is worth walking back to the cable car station just to chance and get a new one. I don't feel that comfortable walking around with the snowboard thing during the rest of the hike. Anyway, it is halfway there. Stay positive and just do it. 

Now thinking of it. I have made one mistake. I didn't check if the snowboard thing gonna fit on my shoes or not. And how to hear it appropriately. If you are reading this. Remind you to try it on when you get it at the counter. If you are not sure how to put it on, don't feel shame so ask others. It is definitely gonna be better than when you find out it does not work in the middle of the hike. 

As you can see, the path is going down.

On the way to 5fingers, you will pass a building called "Welterbespirale viewing platform". This attraction is famous for its unique shape and appearance. It is made of a material that can reflect the light and make it shining under the sun. And the front of the building looks just like a ship's bow. If you have a peak from the ground, the viewing platform looks like the Titanic getting hit by the ice burg. It is a perfect location to rest a bit and take some cool photos. 

Me at the top of the platform. 

The angle from the ground. The shape looks like a ship's bow. 

The stairs take you all the way up to the top. With the view. Breathtaking.

Having some rest around the Welterbespirate viewing platform, it is time to move on. After another 10 minutes hike, we are now finally at the 5fingers. Once you get closer to the overview point, the wind gets stronger. When you are standing right on it, you can have a full view of it. The stunning and amazing scenery really gonna take your breath away. Like WOW. Enjoy the peace and the silence moment up there and breath deeply. That is life. 

Like I have said, this overview point is to build right next to the cliff. If you look below, it is a 400 meters abyss. Have to be brave. As the name "5fingers", this attraction shapes exactly like a hand with five fingers. With five fingers, it offers you five different angles to enjoy the landscape. You can take as many pictures as you want when you're there. In short, we are quite lucky when visiting. The weather is nice and not many tourists. Now, let me share some photos with you to get a further idea of this masterpiece. 

The 5fingers overview point and the view around

A panorama shot of this place

Me and the stunning scenery

From this angle, you can find the city of Obertraun

At the place, they put a frame on it. I guess it offers the tourists another way to take stunning pictures.

Now it is probably about time to head back. Before taking the cable car down. As a kid living in a tropical country. There is no reason for me to miss playing around in the snow. We try to make our own snowman. And this one is gonna be my first snowman throughout my life. With the limited sources we have up here, we try to perform it the best we can. And here is the final project. 

With my partners, we made it!!

We try to make the snow the natural way. So we damage it after having fun and stuff.

My heart feels so satisfying. Building a snowman with my friends is one of my childhood dreams. And now I finally made it!! However, here comes the nightmare. Do you remember that I said we walk all the way down when approaching the 5fingers? Now, the only way back to where we are from is to hike all the way up and up and up.  And another extra mission for us is that we are trying to find a perfect location to have our lunch. Which are sandwiches and some drinks we had prepared. 

They are my friends who walk super fast. 

He is trying the cut the path in a shorter way and he made it at the end. 
But not recommended to do so. 

We are getting closer. And you can see the Welterbespirale viewing platform. 

On the way up, I found a place that the snow has already melted, and the grass and some rocks are exposed. That will be the location we are looking for. Sitting on the rock and having sandwiches with the view in front. How can life be better? Although the wind is freezing, it is still an unforgettable and sweet experience. Chatting around, having food, playing some music, and even sing along with it. I enjoyed it so much. 

Like us, we bring our own food up. We will take them down and trash them into the can. Do not just leave them in the wild. It will take at least 100 years to degrade naturally. Let us make the world a little better together!!

The grass and the rocks. This is our dining room.

Look how good my friend is in this picture. 

Another picture that I think is amazing!!

Me standing and having my sandwich.

Now, the body is full of energy. And it is time to head back to the ground. Hiking in the snow is a really cool experience. Maybe you are not interested in hiking in the snow or this kind of activity doesn't surprise you at all. With the view up here in the mountain. If you have never been here. Highly recommend you schedule your vacation here!! To visit here someday and make your own memory with this place and the people around you. 

In the end, allow me to make a short conclusion about this experience sharing. The time we visited is in March 2020. The weather is nice, the temperature is around 5-10 degrees up in the mountain. Snow is around. If you don't pay attention to it, there is still a chance you might get stuck in the snow. Not many tourists around at the time. Probably is because of the covid, not sure. Anyway, highly recommend this place when visiting Austria. A place that is close to nature but at the same time it is easy to reach. 

After visiting Dachstein Krippenstein, we transport with the bus to our next destination, "Hallstatt". For more about the village and attractions around. I have written another article for it. Feel free to read it through the link below. 



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