[Story/ Experience Share] Austria, Europe || Very first time skiing for an Asian kid/ Never give up and you can do it/ Sharing how to dress and the equipment you need for a beginner.

[Story/ Experience Share] Austria, Europe 

Very first time skiing for an Asian kid/ Never give up and you can do it/ Sharing how to dress and the equipment you need for a beginner. 

I am a kid from Taiwan. On this island, We don't usually snow during the winter. Not to mention going out skiing. The snow is not thick enough. At my age of 22, luckily I had a chance to visit Austria as an exchange student. Finally got an opportunity to experience skiing in my entire life. To be honest, I was quite worried at the moment about skiing. Cause what I had heard from an experienced person about skiing. More than 90% of them told me that if you didn't break your arm or leg the first time skiing, you are lucky. Although I knew that they were only joking around, to fell dawn multiple times happened to a beginner really often. Anyways, I got persuaded by my friends and notice that the opportunity I had now is like once in my entire life. Just had to grab on it. In the end, I decided to go skiing with my friends. Let's start the adventure. 

  • The skiing court | Der Kasberg im Almtal
This skiing place I have mentioned isn't the one super famous for the internationals. Think of skiing in Austria during winter, the city "Innsbruck" should be the one well known around Europe. However, we choose "der Kasberg im Almtal" because where I stay is in a city called Wels in Upper Austria. And this skiing court is 1.5 hours by public transportation away from Wels. For exchange students like us without vehicles, this skiing place is the best option for us. 

If you're also someone who is staying in Austria without a vehicle. Let me show you how things gonna work. In my own case for example. I am staying in Wels. In the morning I will take the train from Wels Bahnhof to Grünau im Almtal Bahnhof. Then check the schedule of the shuttle bus on their website page. The bus runs from 8:00 in the morning till 16:50. If you are interested in the price for entering the skiing court. They have multiple options. Day pass/ Evening only/ Weekly pass/ Seasonal pass...etc. This skiing court also offers skiing equipment. Why not check on "Der Kasberg im Almtal Official Website" for more details. 

The cabin on the top of the mountain for people to rest and having food and drinks in the skiing court. 

  • Dress for skiing and the equipment required
Thinking of going skiing. Should I dress warm because I am in the show? Should I wear longs or shorts? I was confused at first. After having some advice from my experienced friends. Here are some notes for it. Remind you that the skiing court doesn't offer clothes. 

1. Smart dressed with the onion principle | First, the base layer. Shorts will be fine or anything that can transport your sweat away from your body and release it to the outside. Second, the thermal layer. any long cloth that keeps you warm. The third layer. It should protect you from the wind and the weather. I will say that a waterproof coat will be the best. 

2. For lower body | Waterproof long pants(tapering trousers) should be the best option. However, any long pants that keep you warm should be fine if you cannot find one. Highly recommended to go with crew socks or woolen stockings. To keep you warm and more comfortable while skiing. 

3. Other accessories | Waterproof glove/ Beanie/ Sunglasses

You can rent the basic equipment for skiing at the counter. The member who works here suggests that skiing is the best for beginners. And snowboarding is better for someone who already had the skill. You can always bring your own skiing equipment with you, it will save you lots of money. 

Equipment Required: Ski/ Ski pole/ Snow cap(helmet)/ Snow training shoes

Ski/ Ski pole/ Snow training shoes rented from the counter

  • First time skiing experience
After having the entrance ticket and fully equipped. You would have to take the cable car to the top of the mountain and that was the place where you start the adventure. On the top of the mountain, it was all covered by snow, quite spectacular. The day we visited was really lucky because the weather was nice and it sky was clear. Perfect timing to used the sunglasses to take care of your eyes. 

The cable car station was in the back of this picture. 

The challenge came right after you were out from the cable car station. I was not even ready for skiing. Here came a super steep slope. For me as a beginner, it was not friendly. Basically, I rolled all the way down to the flat area. Some of my friends walked down with the ski in their hands. Quite smart. 

I on the ground and finding a way back up again. 

In the skiing court, there were three different areas for different levels. The first one was for beginners. However, I had to say. It is basically for the kids. Kids with their parents. So for this area, the slope was more smooth. The protective net was around so it was super safe. 

As you can see, there were mostly kids in this region. 

Me putting on the shoes in the middle of the road.

Me falling down in the middle of the road and need help. 

Keep practicing and keep falling dawn like more than 30 mins. My friend next to me shares his skiing tips that keep your body low, try to keep your feet the shape of a triangle, it can help you to slow down your speed. To change direction, only need to change the angle of your feet and can easily make it. And the last tip is to feel the movement with your body. After all this, my only thought was, well, thank you, that helps "a lot". Anyways, I was still falling down all the time. However, after a while, I started to get what he is saying. He has his point.

So far so good, my hand and my leg were not broken. And I felt like it is time for me to move on to the next level. On the next level, the path went through the forest. There was no longer any protection around. And the slope was steeper and more challenging. I guess it might sound quite dangerous but there were always lots of people around. So if you fell down or ran into the forest. There is gonna be someone who noticed that. Keep an open mind and you will be safe. 

The starting point for the next level.

An accident, the ground is not snow, it is iced. Nothing to be worried about.

When you finished the road then you will be at the bottom of the valley. There was a simple ski facility that can pull you all the way up to where you started. Before I saw that in person, I had never thought about how people came back to where they started. Now I know. Have to say, the facility is really simple. Usually, it can carry two passengers at once. One to sit on the left and one on the right side. However, you may have a chance to fall before you head back to the top. Once you fall in the middle. Don't have to be panic. It is normal. Just let go of the facility and ski back down again to head back. 

The facility to pull you up.

Me and my friend fall of the facility in the middle.

There were three different levels of the path in this ski court. And now, let me show you the last one. It was a super-wide path and really steep. People skied here for the pleasure of speed or to show off their skills. I did have tried several times. However, it was at a safe and slow speed. Although I can ski now, not a professional why. I am still a beginner. 

The path all the way down to the bottom of the valley. 

Let us go skiing !!!

For beginners, you can defiantly learn how to ski within half-day. Trust me, I have been there. Keep practicing and being brave is the key to success. Having friends around you may make you feel more confident. Highly recommended to go with someone experienced. He or she can even become your mentor. Overall, for all of you who haven't tried skiing in your entire life, it is worth it!!

The moment I feel that I am so good at skiing. 

Proud of myself.

Wish my personal skiing experience encouraged you!!



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