[Travel] Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austria || What is fun around Gmunden? Should I stay overnight?


|| Gmunden, Upper Austria, Austria ||

What is fun around Gmunden? Should I stay overnight? 

  • Location📍
First, let us figure out where Gmunden is. The city Gmunden is in the north part of Austria, and it is pretty close to the second busy city, Linz. The city itself is located in the north part of lake Traunsee. During summer, there are lots of activities held by the lake and it is amazing!! 

If you google the place "Gmunden", the map will show you the area. However, the place I've been to is only the north part of it, and it is also where the city hall (main street) is located. So later on, I will show you around some cool places I've been to. 

  • Transportation 🚗 🚆 🚲
 Car 🚗 
Driving is always the best way to move around in Austria, you can schedule up your plan flexibly. If you ask me where to park? To be honest, I do not have the best answer for that. However, if you search for the parking lot on google maps, you can found these two places. THE PARKING LOT1 and 2. No idea how the cost and the environment around, but I can guarantee that the location is in the heart of Gmunden. 

 Train 🚆
If you are a traveler who moves around in Austria by train. Then you will have to hop off the train at "Gmunden Bahnhof". Once you arrive, you will find out immediately that the lake area is still quite far from the train station. You can rather walk there (it takes around 20 mins) or take the tram car down to the lakeside(roughly 5 mins, from ATO Gmunden Bahnhof (ÖBB) Vorplatz to station "Gmunden Franz-Josef-Platz"). 

Bike 🚲
By bike, then it is easier. Just search the location where ever you are interested in, then basically you can park where ever you want if it is legal. 

What is fun around Gmunden?

If you search from Gmunden, you will probably find a place called "
Schloss Ort". It is a unique architecture and it is located in the middle of the lake. However, there is a pathway that you can walk there and it is free. Enjoy your time and take lots of photos!!

The Pathway to Schloss Ort. 

Me and my friend taking photos at Schloss Ort.

At the Cafe on Schloss Ort, take your time and relax.

2. Walk beside the lake from Schloss Ort to Seebahnhof

After visit Schloss Ort, take a short walk will be a good option. On the way, there are lots of vendors on the street. For example, the ice cream, coffee shop, souvenir store...etc. Also, it is a good place to have a full view of lake Traunsee and Schloss Ort. 

Me taking photos of this beautiful place. 

The most exciting part of this trip is that you got a chance to rent a boat and enjoy your time at the lake with the sunset. However, have to remind the time. Although the sky is still bright, the boat shop only runs till 19:00. Check twice before you visit. 

Bad news when we arrive there. It is closed.😔

The last thing to do but it is also the most important thing. Is to take LOTS of photos !!

The main street in Gmunden city. 

The goose looking for food. 

3. Visit the park and have a picnic and having fun in the water

At the park, there are so many things to do and it is fun. They have a volleyball court, a sand area(kind of like a man-made beach) and a place where you can have fun in the water. So I and my friend bought an inflatable boat in the SPAR(normal supermarket in Austria) and enjoy our evening by the lake.

Should I stay overnight? 

Yes, for sure. Although I spend only a day in Gmunden, there is definitely more to explore and gonna worth it. For example, you can take the ship, it will take you across the lake. Or when you leave the central of Gmunden and head to the east side of the lake, there is some cool stuff to see on the mountains(e.g. Baumwipfelpfad Salzkammergut, Laudachsee). Although I have never been there, I do google it on the maps. The photos look stunning !!


  • The view : ★★★★★
  • Transportation : ★★★★★
  • The food : ★★★★☆
Recommended Stay Time: 1-3 days


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